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The significance of our yak wool textiles

Why is our yak wool so meaningful to us? After launching our classic yak wool scarves in all three natural shades we would like to explain you a little bit more why it is such a big accomplishment for us. Each year in the summer, we source yak wool from the nomad community in Kharnak. In Ladakh, the yak appears in 3 different colors: dark brown which is the most common, beige which is less common and the rarest, the white yak, its wool can sometimes have a tint of grey, too. Yaks have always played a big part in the life of the nomads. Their wool was precious and they were the means of transport during the many moves...

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An introduction to our natural dyes

Since the beginning of KAL we have been fascinated by the world of natural dyes. The variety of colors is incredible and with the help of a mordant they can be made colorfast.Here is a little introduction to some of the dyes we use for our Eri silk garments.       JACKFRUIT TREE BARK:For our yellow shades we use the bark of the jackfruit tree - abundantly available in Assam. The jackfruit is known to be the largest edible fruit. All parts of it and its tree have been used in traditional medicine.  seen here is our Top Satyata (left) and Shirt Tirota II (right)     INDIGO:The blue dye obtained mostly from the plant genus indigofera among others is one of the oldest...

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Why are we having a sale?

I wanted to share our thoughts on having a sale as there are many different approaches in especially the craft / mindful fashion / hand-made field. Now we are here in 2021 and we can clearly say that 2020 has been a tough year for us, as I am sure it has been for many of you as well. Nevertheless, all throughout the year we continued our production as usual, always keeping our team busy in order to avoid any shortage of income for them. This has worked really well. Nevertheless, on the distribution end we had losses, also due to the missing events of 2020 which are always great channels for us. Our stock levels increased whereas sales have...

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Nomadic Fibers & Journey - here is what you can make with our handspun yarn

As we are about to launch a wide selection of new yarns I thought it would be interesting for you to see a few projects which have been knitted with our yarn. In our collection we have two different type of yarns, one is Nomadic Fibers and the other is Journey. Let me first introduce you these two very different yarns. 1. Nomadic Fibers Our yarn Nomadic Fibers is a one ply handspun sheep wool yarn. It is spun on "phang" spindles by our Ladakhi team and has a lovely, rustic feel. The wool comes from the sheep of the Kharnak nomads which are shorn once in a year in the summer month July.  We have now 5 undyed shades of this...

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Covid 19 Update from Us

For all of us, life has changed drastically in the last few weeks. We are thinking of you all and hope you and your dear ones are well despite these extraordinary times.Since March 25 India is under a 3 week lockdown with all non-essential businesses closed completely, public transport suspended and strong limitations in movement. Luckily, we are all working from home and are not too affected. There are only a handful of cases in the three states we work – Assam, Ladakh and Himachal Pradesh. Everyone is very careful and we have enough work for the next few weeks. We are committed to continue the making of our textiles in order to keep up a routine that assures everyone the usual income. An Update from Assam:  Unfortunately, our production for summer is currently on...

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