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The impact of modernization and climate change on nomadic life

Two weeks have gone by since we returned to Ladakh and our team here in Kharnakling. Tomorrow we will leave for our first trip to the nomads in Kharnak, a small nomadic community from the Changthang Plateau, to start selecting wool for this winter. Kharnakling is a small village which was founded more than twenty years ago. It consisted of a few small houses of nomads from Kharnak, who decided to settle down and leave the nomadic life. The difficulties they have faced such as cold winters, lack of medical facilities and education were too much to live with. Settled nomad Jigmet in front of his house during construction. Shepherd Tenzin in front of his flock of sheep in the...

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Continuing KAL’s story

“A story that makes sense is one that stirs the senses from their slumber…to make the senses wake up to where they are.”  ― David Abram, The Spell of the Sensuous At we are KAL we have often wondered if products aren't just like stories. Allowing you to connect to people you have never met, places you have never seen and cultures you have never heard of. You will certainly remember a story that made you see the world with different eyes. This is the kind of story KAL wants to tell. In our every day life we surround ourselves with hundreds of things that we don’t really know, such as our toothbrush, house key or kitchen towel. In our eyes there is...

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